famous last words

Just read the last sentence of my previous post from 3 years ago. Heh.

Yeah, I thought I might as well make it official that Tamers isn’t being finished (shocking, I know). There was never much point to doing something that’s already been done anyway, and the combined release of Wild Bunch’s and our stuff is perfectly fine aside of people with severe OCD issues and such. All in all, this will probably be the last post on this blog, so I guess that’s that! Not like it wasn’t a foregone conclusion already, but it always felt weird for the latest post to be “look at me working on stuff!”.

This is me actually doing work for a change


Because why not? I’m sure it’ll be fun to watch the fun process of timing+QC of a mediocre episode.

Edit: okay, that’s done. Current status is just getting the remaining scripts (10-15 at the moment) out of the way between this week and the next and then they’re off to TLC. Maybe this’ll be done this year after all!

New year’s resolution

Get my lazy ass to actually finish Tamers. Probably. Last thing I did was episode 6 back in summer or something.

Nope, not dead yet

Just slow as shit.

Release: Digimon Frontier 23/25 DVD version


Nevermind, they’ve been deleted already. Just get them from the updated torrent at BakaBT. Or ask someone else who’s got them to upload them somewhere else, ’cause I’m not bothering with DDLs anymore, especially now that I had to downgrade to cheaper internet and my upload got reduced by half, plus I can’t seem to hold a connection while uploading anything.

Thanks to Densetsu Team and jvmunhoz for the raws.

Note: I completely forgot to mux the fonts for episode 25. Install the fonts included here to fix.

Note #2: Haha what the hell, the scripts were deleted too. Because a bunch of .ass files and fonts by themselves are just so useful. Right. New link here.

Release: Digimon Frontier Movie – Revival of the Ancient Digimon

Download: MKV / AVI

Torrent: MKV / AVI


And that’s it for the movies. Will finish up Tamers next.

Translation, more like scriptwriting

Grizzmon, you’re not the one we’re looking for!{Grizzmon, you made a promise!}
Stop it already!{Well excuse me!}
Please get along…{I’m gonna cry….}
How come you get along?{Why are you crying?}
Don’t tell anyone, okay?{Be nice, okay?}
We’ll get scolded if they find out we’re together!{We found something neat together!}
Don’t listen to the strangers!{Please don’t hurt the strangers!}
You saw it too!{You guys have also been forsaken!}

13 minutes into the Frontier movie. And here I thought WPP’s translation wouldn’t be horrible this time, judging by the first couple of minutes…

Release: Digimon Frontier 50 (End) & batch torrents

MKV (H264): Filecloud / Zippyshare
AVI (Xvid): Filecloud / Zippyshare


Torrent 01-50 (MKV-H264)
Torrent 01-50 (AVI-Xvid)

It really doesn’t feel like we started this thing almost 2 years ago. Would have been done in half the time if it wasn’t for my laziness, of course, but eh.

So, Frontier. I guess it wasn’t as bad overall as I had thought. Up to the Royal Knights arc, it had been “okay”, and while it dropped to “screw this” during that arc, I did enjoy the ending, even if some stuff was pretty much forced.

In any case, I can’t possibly get here without giving major credit to Lord Starfish, who stuck with me through this whole thing. If it wasn’t for him, the scripts would have been quite a bit worse than they are now. I feel like I always undeservedly get all the credit, so make sure to thank him as well. :P

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming

Well, this was surprisingly fast. If 3 whole days of barely doing anything other than working on the vid counts as fast. Probably won’t mean much if you haven’t watched the anime, but yeah.

And now I’m off to bed at 7:25 AM. May translate Frontier 50 “tomorrow”, maybe.

Release: Digimon Frontier 49

MKV (H264): Filecloud / Zippyshare
AVI (Xvid): Filecloud / Zippyshare


Motivation sure speeds things up. Well, and this episode being extremely fast to translate helped too.